Sociologist, Ethnographer, Researcher
I have delivered seminars at a number of academic institutions including Goldsmiths, and SOAS. I have also chaired panels for the Bass Culture Research Project. Further details are available on request.
2017 Weekend of Global Cultures: Urban Culture and Political Engagement
Tropenmuseum, Amsterdam (Invited speaker)
2017 Reflections on a Decade of Grime Hip Hop, Spoken Word and the Library Manchester University (Invited speaker)
2017, Bass Culture: Bass in the Attic (Being Human Festival) https://beinghumanfestival.org/event/bass-in-the-attic/
2017 The Sonorous Aspects of Place: Reflections on a Decade of Grime The Place of Music, Loughborough University
2017 Growing Up Under the Influence: A Sonic Genealogy of Grime Reggae Research Network, Scoping the Field – University of East Anglia https://reggaenetwork.wordpress.com/2017/02/03/joy-white-grime/
2017 Grime and Entrepreneurship Centre for Culture and the Creative Industries at City, University of London (Invited speaker)
2016 Crossing borders, moving on: The urban music economy as a transformative realm New Urban Multicultures: Conviviality and Racism, Goldsmiths – London
2015 Beats, Rhymes and Enterprise: The Global Market for UK Urban Music Blackness in Britain Conference, Birmingham City University
2015 Controlling the Flow: How Urban Music Videos Allow Creative Scope and Permit Social Restriction BSA Early Career Theorists’ Symposium, Goldsmiths – London
2015 “Just Type My Name in Google and See What Comes Up”: Creating an Online Persona in The Urban Music Industry, Eastern Sociological Society, New York
2014 (In)visible Entrepreneurs: Creative Enterprise in the Urban Music Eco
nomy University of Antwerp, 3rd International Research Conference on the Cultural and Creative Industries, Antwerp
2013 Moving With The Times: A Digital Story of Identity, Reinvention and Exit Hacettepe University - CREATE, ACT, CHANGE 5th International Digital Storytelling Conference,
Ankara, Turkey
2011 From Rhythm and Blues to Grime: Black Atlantic Exchanges and the Performance of Identity, Stanford University, San Francisco, California
2010 Making it Funky: How the formal music economy is embedded with and shaped by informal enterprise and activity, University of Greenwich – School of Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate conference, Greenwich – London
2009 Reppin’ Black Masculinities: Channel U, YouTube and the Alternative Creative Economy University of Reading – Journey Across Media, Reading
2008 The Informal Creative Economy: Mapping the Grime Scene in East London University of Greenwich – School of Humanities and Social Sciences Postgraduate conference, Greenwich – London